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Buy business in Ukraine

Buying a Business in Ukraine, step-by-step procedure.

The most widespread form of buying operating business is the purchase of corporate rights. For the successful buying of business, it is necessary to conduct selection of businesses for sale according to the required criteria. The initiator, during selection (analysis) of business for sale with the aim of buying the appropriate business, should base on such key aspects of the procedure:

1) Studying of the current market of Ukraine; identifying the most attractive sectors, directions of activity.

2) Evaluation of conjuncture of the market. Definition of the basic criteria for selection of business.

3) After defining the sphere or industry and defining the criteria for a business for sale, it is necessary to enter the market with the public proposal for buying business.

4) After that, the initiator will select and study current proposals about the sale of Businesses.

5) Organization and conduction of negotiations.

6) The mandatory meeting with owners of business (even if the Mandate for sale is available).

7) Development of Protocol of Intentions by Ukrainian lawyers and signing of Protocol of Intentions.

8) Conduction of Due Diligence.

9) Legal Expertise.

10) Financial Expertise.

11) Conduction of Audit (verification of creditor’s and tax debts, and reliability of financial reports).

12) Evaluation of Business. Alignment of value of the corporate rights.

13) Development of the optimal structure of the transaction, including development of the financial model of the transaction. Tax optimization of transaction.

14) Legal and Advocate Support of Transaction: Development of the Sale and Purchase Agreement; Legal expertise of the Sale and Purchase Agreement; The signing of Sale and Purchase Agreement; Fiduciary Service; Notary Support.

15) Closing of the transaction.

16) Entry into the rights and registration of property rights.

17) Selection of the management team \ development of the business management strategy (model).

We wish You to become Successful Owners of business!

